Spoštujemo vašo zasebnost
Uporabljamo piškotke, da izboljšamo vašo izkušnjo brskanja, prikazovanja, aplikacij ali vsebine in analize prometa. S tem, ko kliknete na Sprejmem vse, se strinjazr z uporabo piškotkov.
My MEDIA for you
Some of our memories are pleasant, others can be painful.
Sometimes there are unspoken words left, the question of why this had to happen, the pain of a sudden farewell, the pain of unresolved situations... and we think we can't solve it anymore, that it's over.
But it's only over if you really believe it.
I believe that life is not over when our existence in physical reality ends.
Why do I believe this?
Because there is overwhelming evidence that the deceased are still with us.
I myself meet the deceased daily, I talk to them, I see them, I feel them, I perceive them.
That's why I believe that our life continues even in the invisible realm.
And I believe that we are never alone.
They are with us.
With you.
Right now.
Their love flows through me so that it can touch you.
To tell you:
"Don't be afraid. We're still here. Talk to us."
We can still heal our wounds, say goodbye with dignity...just like you wanted.''
All they want for you is to have a good time. To laugh, enjoy yourself, and be at peace with yourself.
And this is where I can help you.
Just like I have already helped more than 678 people who were looking for answers.
What did Alenka, Zdenka and Tina tell me about mediumship?
Barbara, I am immensely grateful that my path led me to you. You opened up the world above us and gave me a glimpse into complete peace and self-sufficiency. But when you met me with my late mother, I knew that our connection would remain eternal. My experience, which you conjured up for me through mediumship, was one of the most intense events that has ever happened to me. I have come to terms with the past, stopped worrying about the future, and I experience the present as a moment. Thank you. I love you.
Priceless and unforgettable. Barbara, it's like I finally have a father again. Thank you.
I would like to thank you again for everything. Considering that I came without expectations, I received a lot of things to process, a lot of affirmation from the departed souls. I am really happy with everything. There were also tears of relief and happiness. Barbara, you are a great soul with a very important job that you do with your heart and soul. Thank you.
Do you have concerns too?
You are not the only one.
Many people wonder if it is right to call the deceased.
And my answer is: yes, if you are suffering and have many questions that are troubling you or you want direction for them.
The deceased will always be happy to cooperate, because all they want is to see you calm and happy.
Maybe you don't believe in these things, but something is pulling you in this direction.
And let me tell you, it's completely normal to have doubts. I'm just starting out too. Many who came to me for mediumship had doubts. But they left so happy, fulfilled, and light-hearted.
Na medijstvo se prijaviš s spodnjim obrazcem.
Posamezno srečanje traja 90 min. Ob tem prejmeš tudi svoj avdio posnetek. Poteka preko aplikacije zoom ali na željo tudi v živo. Vprašanja so na srečanju zaželjena.
Prispevek je 96,00 eur.
Hvala za vašo prijavo!
Oglasim se vam v najkrajšem možnem času.
Želim vam čudovit dan!
Sem Barbara Pust Velikanje. Sem coachinja za odnose in varuhinja duš.
Več o meni si preberi tu o meni.